Last week I bought 3kg of Navel oranges from Coles which advertised as SWEET & JUICY. Much to my disappointment, they turned out to be so sour that no one in my family wanted anything to do with them. I was contemplating juicing them but then I would have to add a lot of sugar or honey to sweeten. Finally, I decided to make marmalade instead - for the first time. This is my version of Orange Marmalade -
4 cups of chopped orange flesh (with the pith removed and guess what, not a seed to be found!)
¼ cup of orange peel - finely shredded (I should have put in ½ cup)
2 cups orange juice
juice of 2 lemon
3½ cups organic raw sugar
- Put everything except the sugar into a heavy-based saucepan and bring to the boil. Turn down the heat and let it simmer for about 1 - 1½ hour or until liquid is reduced by half. Stir occasionally.
- Then add in sugar and stir until set *.
- Pour hot marmalade into sterilised jars and close tightly. You will hear a popping sound as a vacuum seal is created.
* To test if the marmalade is set, put a little onto a chilled saucer and let it cool in the freezer for a little while. When you push it with a spoon or finger tip, it should 'wrinkle up' and feel firm.

I think navels usually come with no seed. Navels are always planted with cuttings becos they have no seeds.
ReplyDeleteI have never seen an orange tree, but I have been reading about Valencia and Navels. Always been contemplating between the 2 when it comes to baking and cooking.
BTW, I made marmalade few days back too. But with Valencia.
I believe I should put more orange rind to get that 'true' marmalade flavour and I couldn't get the 'bitter-ish' taste. How does yours taste like Wendy?
ReplyDeleteI was wanting to avoid the bitter taste. Mine is very slightly bitter.
ReplyDeleteNavel's skin is less bitter than Valencia, but also less fragrant in my opinion.
Maybe you don't remove the pith, cos the bitterness is in the pith.