
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Ang Ku Kuih

I used to think that making Ang Ku Kuih is not for the faint-hearted.  That was why I had never attempted to make them.  However, thanks to Sonia who kindly shared this wonderful and simple  Ang Ku Kuih recipe, I decided to give it a go and the results?  I was very happy with the outcome.  The dough was very soft and the filling was not overly sweet.  

Made 24 pieces


250g split yellow mung beans, washed, soaked for 2 hours and drained
140g sugar
3 tbsp Rice Bran oil
2 pandan leaves

  • Steam mung beans with pandan leaves  over high heat for about 30 minutes or until beans are soft.
  • Immediately place the cooked mung beans  into a food processor together with sugar and oil.  Blitz until fine.
  • Press the mashed mung beans through a sieve with a spatula to get a smooth texture.
  • Set aside to cool.  
  • When filling is cool enough to handle, divide and roll into balls of 24g each. (Adjust the weight to suit the size of your mould).

300g sweet potatoes (kumara), whole with skin on
240g glutinous rice flour
1 tbsp rice flour
2 tbsp sugar
3 tbsp Rice Bran oil
70g hot water, or adjust accordingly
  • Steam the sweet potatoes until soft, then peel off the skin.  Push the sweet potatoes through a sieve.  Set aside to cool.
  • In a mixing bowl, combined mashed sweet potatoes, glutinous rice flour, rice flour, sugar and oil.  Gradually add in hot water and knead into a soft dough.  Cover the dough and let it rest for 10 minutes.
  • Divide and shape the dough into balls of  27g each.

To shape Ang Ku Kuih:

  • Dust the mould with glutinous rice flour and knock out excess flour.
  • Flatten a ball of dough and place a ball of filling in the middle and seal the dough.  Roll gently into a round ball.  Place into the mould and press gently to flatten.  Knock out the kuih from the mould and place on greased banana leaf.
  • Steam kuih over medium-low fire for 6 minutes.
  • Remove from the steamer and immediately brush  oil over the kuih.


  1. Thanks for your shout-out, glad you like this AKK. and the type of the sweet potato you used, look really red..

  2. Hi Veronica,

    How do you store you ang ku kueh overnight? Will the dough turn hard overnight?


    1. Hi Ling, I usually store them in container, covered. The skin of the angku Kuih still remains soft even the next day, unless you store them in the fridge. In that case, just re-steam the Kuih briefly.


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