
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Pumpkin Xi Ban

Xi Ban

Xi Ban

The first time I made Pandan Hakka Xi Ban, only one third of my buns turned out nice, the rest were wrinkly and dimpled - due to steam condensation that dripped onto the buns :-(   This time I took extra care in the steaming process -  I wrapped my steamer cover with a towel and I didn't uncover the steamer immediately after turning off the fire and I left the buns sitting in the steamer with a gap opened for about 3 minutes before removing them.  Much to my delight, ALL of my Xi Ban were 'unblemished', phew!

After sampling these Pumpkin Xi Ban, I think I prefer the plain Xi Ban as I find that these pumpkin ones are not as chewy.  What is your verdict?  And how do you protect the buns from any steam that may condense and drip onto the buns during steaming?

Recipe source:  Do What I Like

200g plain flour
2 tsp yeast
170ml warm water


200g glutinous rice flour
100g plain flour
2 tbsp oil
260g mashed pumpkin
110g sugar

vegetable oil for greasing hands
squares of baking paper

  • In a mixing bowl, combine all ingredients in (A).  Cover  with clingwrap and let prove for 3 hours (I proved mine in the refrigerator overnight).
  • Steam pumpkin until soft.  While pumpkin is still hot, add in sugar and mashed with a fork.  
  • Mix mashed pumpkin into the rest of the ingredients in (B).  Do not add in all the mashed pumpkin at once,  firstly add in 200g and then a little at a time until you get a pliable dough.  Add in (A) and using a dough hook, knead until you get a smooth dough.  Dough will be sticky at this stage but you should be able to mould it into small round balls  (add in a little flour - about 10g  if it is too sticky to handle).
  • Cover and leave to proof until doubled.
  • Divide the soft dough into 50g portion each and shape into round balls.  Place the balls onto the baking paper and using your palm (which has been greased with some cooking oil), flatten the balls slightly.
  • Cover the dough and proof again until they almost doubled in size. 
  • Steam over medium high heat for 13 minutes or until cooked.  Turn off the fire and leave the xi ban in the steamer, with a little gap opened for about 3 minutes before removing them.


  1. Not sure what Xi Ban mean, but I love anything with pumpkin and these look very tempting!

    1. Xi means happiness or joyful and Ban refers to rice cake in Hakka. These buns were usually made for auspicious occasion.

  2. Hi Veronica must real pleased this time when all the Xi Pan are flawless! After my plain Xi Pan I have never made any different flavour and I bet your pumpkin flavour must be very yummy.

    1. Hi Mel, I am very pleased indeed that all my pumpkin xi ban turned out beautifully. I am thinking of making a batch of red xi ban using beet root juice. Wonder if they will taste nice.

  3. Hmmm, haven't had xi ban before so really have no idea how they taste like. It was said that this is Hakka delights. My mum is a Hakka but we never had this at home. Not seeing my cousins having them too.

    1. Hi Jessie I personally find that xi ban is quite bland in taste but I quite enjoy the QQ texture.

  4. I have try pumpkin xi ban too. Too bad my family not appreciate it and end up me having all! They dislike kuih including xi ban. Therefore I seldom have kuih posts :D
    Good to know that you have the solution and manage to get xi ban with beautiful surface. I'm using this method too whenever I make steamed buns.

    1. Like you my family are not keen in kuih either. So I can't practise on kuih making unless I am prepared to eat them all up myself.

  5. Hi Veronica,
    Wow ... nice and smooth :D
    Mine usually turned out kedut kedut like old lady :(

  6. Hi Lisa, the first time I made these, they were mostly wrinkly and looked so horrible. As long as you take measures to prevent steam condensation from dripping onto the buns, they should be fine. Another thing is do mot remove the buns too quickly from the steamer. Good luck,

  7. yay! you got them wrinkled free and very nice! i nvr tried pumpkin flavour hei ban before but i think i will love them as well, only tried plain hei ban and i think pandan ones will be very nice too

    1. I was very happy this time around. Thanks to a few blogger friends who gave me some helpful tips to prevent wrinkly buns.

  8. Hi Veronica,
    You must be so delighted with all these pretty and chubby pumpkin xi ban.
    I face the same problem when I first make this xi ban. Now I am using the same method as yours to have pretty xi ban too.

    1. Glad to hear that you've overcame the same problem as mine. Yay!


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